Sunday, February 12, 2012

chocolate mousse

You might have guessed from the lack of sweetness on my blog. It's time I come out and tell you... I'm not much of a dessert person. There. I said it. Sorry to disappoint you.  I do enjoy the occasional decadence but to be really honest, baking intimidates me.
I recently took a cooking class at a local restaurant and learned how to "whip" up this fabulous, light, fluffy, perfect amount of sweet treat. AND I love making things with very few ingredients. How hard can it be to throw some eggs, cream and chocolate together?
{just a bit}

Get this...
6 eggs
1 bag of dark chocolate chips
heavy cream
2 tsp of salt
Begin by melting the chocolate chips over a double boiler.
{I've actually never used a double boiler and don't own one, so I jimmy-rigged a metal bowl over my pasta boiler colander pot set. You can now refer to me as McGyver Ray}
Once fully melted, remove from heat and let cool slightly.

while that's working it's magic...
separate the eggs, yolks in one bowl, whites in another.
{This is the difficult part, at least it was for me} 
It doesn't matter which order you do the next three steps in. In fact I'm not sure if I did them in the following order. Just do each separately. You'll combine them all at the end.
If you have an electric hand mixer or the amazing kitchen aid mixer whisk the heavy cream until forms small peaks as pictured here...
{or better yet, if you have Popeye-esque forearms you can whisk by hand for about 20 minutes} 


Next whisk the egg yolk until canary yellow.
{about 2 minutes on medium speed}
Return to separate bowl.

Finally, whisk the egg whites until light and airy but not quite to the meringue stage.
{I could have done this a bit more, but hey it's my first time. Get off my back! Geesh}
Add salt to whites while mixing.

This next step happens really fast, so I didn't get a pic...
Add about a third of the melted chocolate to the egg yolks, whisk briskly, 
{to avoid making chocolate scrambled eggs}
until thoroughly mixed.

Combine the whipped cream and egg whites in a large bowl.
 {Just plop them in there together and don't stir or you'll lose your fluffiness}

Gently fold in the chocolate egg yolk mix.
And lastly gently fold in the remaining melted chocolate.

Refrigerate for 4 excruciating hours and eat straight from bowl with large spoon.
{Or am I?}
Serve it up to some very special people in fancy glasses or bowls made of chocolate.
Pairs excellently with a 16 year scotch.

I'm not quite sure if this is the exact process I learned in the cooking class...
{this was the last thing we made after 4 brandy old fashioneds and I didn't take any notes so my memory was a bit foggy}
but it turned out, was DELICIOUS, and despite being almost completely made from raw eggs never made anyone ill. Maybe the scotch helped...

So really, not that difficult. I'm not a baker and I did it.
{Although this didn't require any actual baking so probably doesn't qualify as baking}
I will most definitely being doing this again and I can't wait to experiment with other flavors. I'm already thinking of balsamic, and cinnamon, and some berry flavor... Oh the possibilities.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Everything + Bagel

Everything bagel + olive oil, avocado, sea salt, cracked red pepper, crumbled goat cheese.
Good made better.

Apparently this picture does not explain itself...
Step-by-step instructions
(just for GJMK)
1. Toast bagel
2. drizzle with olive oil
3. slice avocado, add to bagel
4. add salt and pepper, crushed red pepper and cheese
5. eat

call if any questions

Crafty non-food

I made this.
Believe it.
I got crafty.

This was a Christmas gift for my sis-in-law.
If you would like to get crafty and make one for yourself, learn how here.

I wasn't kidding when I said I got crafty.
I got crafty.
I really don't like that word, just something about it. Maybe if I keep using it, it will grow on me.
Look what else I was crafty with.

Made from tiles, scrapbook paper, modge-podge, clear spray paint and felt.
I even did permanent stains on the blue ones.
I call those vintage.

Ho-made gifts are the bestest.
Especially when I get to get crafty.
Yeah, no. Not really growing on me.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Buffalo Chicken

Happy New Year! Today was a day to recover from the last week, make that month, of festivities. Although there's been one item missing from this season (where are you snow?) it has been a fabulous end to another year. Spending time with the ones you love, making, buying, cooking, and adding extra love to gifts for all those special people... ah, I'm getting a bit sentimental here...

Getting down to business, I've been watching a bit much of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and have become obsessed with buffalo chicken. Don't ask me why. I also saw this super duper awesome trick on how to  shred chicken in a cuisenart mixer. Tried it. Love it. No more burned fingers! So after a couple days of thinking about nothing but shredded buffalo chicken, I decided to be ambitious in the new year and came up with a delicious, sweet and spicy tender chicken sandwich.

I used Sweet Baby Ray's Buffalo Marinade and added some garlic, diced onions, and brown sugar. Over medium heat I cooked the chicken in the sauce in my new Le Creuset (woo woo!), for about 20 minutes.
(I got the pre-cut chicken tenders fresh from the deli because I really wasn't in the mood to trim the fat from full breasts, yuck!)

{So excited about my new orange Le Creuset, fitting that the first thing I made in it is also orange}

Then, I did the incredible trick of putting the hot chicken in my cuisinart mixer and voila! After a few spins on low I had perfectly shredded chicken! I returned the meat to the sauce and simmered for another 20 minutes or so. (Really could have gone longer but I couldn't wait) I added some provolone cheese and pickles on an onion bun and.. Oh. My. God. Hangover and sinuses cleared!!!